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Netflix’s True Crime Doc Leaves Viewers Disturbed

Netflix’s latest true crime documentary has left viewers deeply disturbed, with many calling it the “most unsettling” film they have ever seen.

Ever since its establishment Netflix has produced intense crime documentaries yet its present release seems to have sparked major public discussions about its provocative content.

The executive producer Louis Theroux joins forces with director Nick August-Perna for the creation of Tell Them You Love Me.

Netflix’s latest true crime documentary
Credit: (Youtube/ReelAbilities International)

The documentary analyzes a controversial legal case which produced intense debates about disability rights intersection with consent and power struggles in judicial processes.

Social media users expressed overwhelming reactions to this movie which many viewers considered hard to bear.

Observing numerous documentaries has led this viewer to identify the content in this film as the most disturbing material they have ever encountered.

According to this viewer the documentary proved to be one of the most difficult and disturbing films they have ever watched despite seeing many documentaries.

The story of Anna Stubblefield as a philosophy professor who worked at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey serves as the focus of the documentary.

the documentary proved to be one of the most difficult and disturbing
Credit: (Youtube/ReelAbilities International)

A legal dispute formed between Stubblefield and Derrick Johnson after their relationship developed which produced intense public disagreement about ethical matters.

Stubblefield made her first encounter with Johnson during 2009 after his sibling John attended her educational course.

The approach she presented to his family was Facilitated Communication (FC) despite its known controversies regarding supporting hand movements for message typing by people without verbal capabilities.

The numerous studies rejecting FC effectiveness failed to deter Stubblefield because she maintained the conviction that Johnson possessed cognitive abilities necessary to communicate.

During this two-year period she spent many private sessions with Johnson to teach him how to develop his communication abilities.

Stubblefield stated that their FC conversations progressed into what she called a consensual relationship because Johnson shared romantic feelings towards her.

The documentary analyzes a controversial legal case
Credit: (Youtube/ReelAbilities International)

During 2011 Stubblefield informed his family about their relationship status as well as their s*xual intimacy.

Johnson’s family showed strong opposition to both his capability of giving consent and the trustworthiness of FC for communication.

The independent tests proved unable to find evidence that Johnson possessed any form of communication as described by Stubblefield.

The actions of reporting her to authorities caused legal turmoil which ultimately exposed wider problems regarding disabled individuals’s consent and vulnerabilities.

The courts found Stubblefield guilty of two first-degree aggravated s*xual assault charges then sentenced her to twelve years behind bars during 2015.

The prosecutor demonstrated that Johnson’s disability made him incapable of agreeing to a relationship while also showing that FC proved untrue in court.

This haunting documentary creates significant dilemmas
Credit: (Youtube/ReelAbilities International)

The appellate court system reversed her conviction when it decided that the trial courts had incorrectly prohibited expert testimony regarding FC.

During the process of facing retrial Stubblefield accepted a 2018 plea bargain that resulted in her pleading guilty to third-degree aggravated criminal s*xual contact.

After her release from prison she reportedly stated to the media that she did not commit a crime.

According to The Guardian review the documentary tells the alarming story about a Caucasian university professor who s*xually mistreated a mute African American man.

Through its analysis the film reveals important questions about consent and racial bias and power dynamics which make viewers deal with unpleasant ethical and justice system realities.

Netflix describes the documentary as an exploration of “the controversial relationship between a professor and a nonverbal man that leads to a trial over race, disability, and power.”

The documentary from Netflix generates strong reactions among viewers Credit: (Netflix)

During its narrative development the film encourages people to think about how caretakers should do their ethical duties and the prejudices embedded in both individual and structural choices.

Audiences demonstrate split opinions about Stubblefield since some view her as misinterpreted but others interpret her actions as taking advantage of a disabled person.

Observer can now view Tell Them You Love Me on Netflix throughout the United States as well as on Sky throughout the United Kingdom.

This haunting documentary creates significant dilemmas about what viewers understand about consent and communication and the justice system.

The case analysis extends beyond the documentary because extra materials explore the debated approach of facilitated communication along with its influence on disability rights activism.

The documentary from Netflix generates strong reactions among viewers while becoming one of the most energetically talked about true crime features in recent times.

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